The Books of Monty Dogge

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Kidney disease in dogs. Prognosis and management, our story.

Last week Cookie was given anti inflamatories as her leg was a little stiff but she had an adverse reaction which she has had before with other ones. I stopped them straight away because she'd gone off her food and was sick. Despite coming off them she continued to be sick and was very lethargic so we got her to the vets.

On Monday evening the vet rang with the results from the bloods and hit me with the news she had kidney failure. The rest of the call all became a bit of a blur and to say we spent the rest of Monday evening pretty upset is a bit of an understatement.

We're big believers in being proactive and after the initial shock we began to get stuck into researching what it actually meant and what we could do. The vet had said that she could deteriorate very quickly or would stabilise and then we could look at managing it with diet and supplements.

To cut this short she has perked up, got her appetite back and we are currently switching her diet following the vets advice but also speaking to those with experience and looking introducing natural products.

We're going to put everything on the blog because it's like everything new and it's easy to become overwhelmed as everyone has advice and it will be interesting to see what works, what isn't so effective so we'll start that soon as I'm sure it will be useful for others.

For now she is very bright and almost back to the old Cookie but we know we have a big journey ahead but we remain positive.