It's a Wyming Wendlesday by Monty Dogge poet newfiette

It's been a long time since I did a Wyming Wendlesday but I fort I'd treat the world to me new mantlepiece....It's called,

The sign

When I was a pup, I was fluffy cute and small

But even back then I never wanted to chase ball.

Toys just weren’t my thing though the hoomans bought many

They were squeaky and fluffy but I didn’t want any.

I did have one thing that I just loved to do

It wasn’t games, tricks or walkies…I just loved to chew.

The hoomans weren’t as keen and it did cause me some grief

Cos lots of stuff just fell apart after meeting Monty’s teeth.

The kitchen wall was solid with not a single hole in sight

But I helped to ventilate it with some Newfy puppy bites.

And the hose in the garden had only one hole

But I soon made lots more in my new gardening role.

Those nice skirting boards were so yummy to taste

I couldn’t manage a whole one - such a terrible waste.

Those strips round the doors were a challenge to chew

But I got to the higher bits the more that I grew.

I just loved those leads plugged into the sockets

Dad said if I chewed one, I’d go up like a rocket.

I just had to nibble – but it made a hooge spark

And all of the house went quiet and dark.

That was a long time ago, I’ve grown up since then

I’m calm now and sensible as I’ve nearly reached ten.

But I do miss those days and all the things I could munch

The taste of those chair legs and that satisfying crunch.

Then this sign appeared – aimed at dad and at me

And though I’m only a dog, I know Irony.

It was like the old days of when I was a pup

But it was grumpy old Monty that chewed that sign up……

Monty Dogge Poet Newfiette and literararyaryary geniearse

Yeah that was me….sorry not sorry

Yeah that was me….sorry not sorry

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