Just remember it was all for charity.....We all need a laugh in these difficult times.

Yesterday was Cookies 8th birthday and it reminded us of a video that she did with dad for charity. Somebody had seen a routine where a lady danced with her Newfoundland dog and said it looked a bit like Cookie. Though it did resemble her in looks that’s as far as the similarities went. The dog in the video was coordinated, graceful and very obedient which are three qualities that Cookie lacks.

It was then that some bright spark suggested that if dad and Cookie did the routine people would pay to see it. That did give dad an idea though because if people would pay then it would be a good way of raising money for charity. There was also a willing tutu maker and so it happened and can never be unseen by those who have viewed the performance.

I have added the original and then Dad and Cookie’s wonderful attempt that did raise over £200 for Newfoundland welfare so a very worthwhile cause…..not sure why he still insists wearing the tutu every weekend, must be a hooman thing.

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